Jesus is Friend, Guide and Model.
Situation Today
Young people are the hope and a great challenge for the future of the Church. In their struggle to acquire freedom and independence, the young people of today are caught up with the strong influence of media, the rapid socio-cultural changes and the permissive culture. They need to be accompanied in their search for meaning, in their longing to establish deeper and lasting relationships. It is precisely here that the unique role of Catechesis for the young becomes evident. The heart of every Youth Catechesis must be the “explicit proposal of Christ to the young man in the Gospel.” Today, teenagers are faced with the easy and dangerous escape from reality into the world of drugs, alcohol, pornography in novels, movies, television, smartphones, growing materialism and consumerism, and quick success through corruption in all its forms. (National Catechetical Directory, No. 58)
Catechesis of Youth
Teenagers, as they journey towards young adulthood, are capable of much sacrifice and hard work for a cause of which they are convinced of. They possess tremendous goodwill and zeal in reaching out to help the destitute and marginalized. What they often lack is stability. Long-term commitment is very difficult for one who is still searching for his or her identity. Since group influence is so strong, our catechetical approach to be effective must be adapted to the particular group while recognizing individual needs within it.
The type of Catechesis given during this period of life should lead youth to search for the real meaning of their lives and to find answers to the fundamental questions of life: Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? It should enable them to be open to dialogue in learning how best they can give themselves to the vocation to which God is calling them. The Revelation of Jesus as friend, guide and model, capable of being both admired and imitated; the Revelation of his message which provides an answer to fundamental questions, the Revelation of the loving plan of Christ the Saviour as the incarnation of the only authentic love and as the possibility of uniting the human race provide the basis for genuine education in Faith. Young people are not only objects of Catechesis, but also protagonists of evangelization and social transformation.
To ensure that the Catechesis of young people is relevant and responding to their life situation, certain criteria need to be respected. The General Directory for Catechesis highlights the following:
The value of Eucharistic adoration also needs to be highlighted. It is an experience that has touched the young people profoundly, the unforgettable World Youth Day encounters.
It is necessary to offer diverse forms of Youth Catechesis like Youth Catechumenate during school years, Catechesis for Christian Initiation, Catechesis on specific themes and Vocational Catechesis. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (YouCat) is an accessible, contemporary expression of the Catholic Faith and certainly it has become one of the most referred to and studied catechisms. Permeating Catechesis at this stage in particular should be the person and message of Jesus presented in a language understood by these young people, forceful in its appeal, and at the same time unswervingly faithful to his person and to his message. Finally, the yearnings of our young people for creativity, justice, freedom and truth must be the starting point of all catechetical activity. (National Catechetical Directory, No. 224, CCBI Center, Bangalore, 2015)