Cultivating a life in common. We grow in Christ together!
In all our parishes, formation to faith is taken care of through establishing Basic Christian Communities (Anbiyams), promoting popular devotions, organizing pious associations, conducting Sunday Catechism classes, enhancing God-experience through conventions, retreats, mission-preaching and instructing the non-Christian adults for baptism.
Young People do have the thirst for God and respect for God’s word. Youth often take part in the prayer meetings organized collectively. But with regard to personal prayer, only a few of them take interest and spend time in prayer. Youth are generally service-minded. They do come forward more in a group than as individuals to reach out to various needs of the people. They seem to lack good leaders to motivate and lead them to commit themselves for social cause. Young people evangelize by giving their helping hand for catechism classes on Sundays.
The majority of the people in our parish territory are non-Christians. Though our pre-occupation is to cater to the needs of the Catholics through social work, neighborhood apostolate, like evening classes, and proclamation of the Word of God by the members of the Neo-Catechumenate communities, through charismatic conventions, mission preaching and evangelization work are also done to a certain extent for the non-Christians.
Parishes where Salesians of Chennai Province active in pastoral ministry are:
Deepagam’s Catechesis for parishes include the following activities: