அவர் வளர்க!
The Tamilnadu Biblical, Catechetical and Liturgical Centre known as TNBCLC is a unit functioning under the Tamilnadu Bishops’ Council. It was started as a “Teacher-Catechist Training School” by the MEP missionary Rev. Fr. Thomas Govan Duffy in 1921. With another MEP zealous missionary, Rev. Fr. Edmand Becker, it grew into a center with creative ministries in imparting Catechism to the children through catechism textbooks, media aids and by publishing a magazine called Thozhan. In 1960, the Tamilnadu Bishops’ Conference made it a Regional centre catering to the spiritual needs of the faithful in the areas of Catechism, Liturgy and Bible.
Source: TNBCLC | Commissions (tnbclc-tindivanam.org), September 2023