• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com
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Deepagam - the House to Kindle Faith in Jesus Christ

Synthesis of Faith, Culture and Life!
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Symphony of FAITH and TRUTH with Justice


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Fusion of Faith and Life

Inspiration is an act of charity! Sharing the Light
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நற்செய்தியில் ஒளிர செய்ய

Prayer connects us with God and the Church
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Animating Faith with Praxis

Do not fear - I am with YOU

Jesus is Friend

Pray without Ceasing - We give thanks Live, Celebrate, Share and Witness Faith in Jesus Christ

YouTube Channel


Inspiration is an act of charity!

In continuing the mission of Christ on earth, we strive to realize in the Christian faithful the maturity of faith, a life of witness and prayer in order to deepen their faith conviction and so enter into communion with God. The focal area for our Catechesis are: family, parish, Catholic schools, Christian associations, Christian movements, and basic ecclesial communities and community places. Seminars are animated by Salesians and lay collaborators, while keeping the Charism of youth apostolate in focus.

Animating Faith with Praxis

In fidelity to God and genuine concern for persons, Deepagam is guided by the mission of the Church. Following our master, Lord Jesus Christ, we work towards realization of the Kingdom of God amidst us. Church being our Mother and Teacher who strives to establish Kingdom of God on earth, animates the local Christian communities with four-fold pillars of the Kingdom namely, Didache (Teaching), Koinonia (Fellowship), Diakonia (Service), Leiturgia (Liturgy). Christian faithful are empowered to interpret human events, foster Christian unity and engage in fruitful dialogue with people and culture; we help pastoral communities to direct the hope of people to future realities in the light of the Gospel.


Jesus Manifesto:

“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God.” (Is 61:1-2)

Educating the Educators

When Catechesis is faith formation, our mission is a sharing in that of the Church, coming of His Kingdom, by bringing to men the message of the Gospel, which is closely tied in with the development of the temporal order. We educate and evangelize according to a plan for the total well-being of man directed to Christ, the perfect Man. Faithful to the intentions of our Founder, our purpose is to form ‘upright citizens and good Christians’ (C. 31).

In this spirit, we impart two strands of certified trainings - one for Catechists and the other for Religion Teachers in Schools/ITI and Colleges. PACE (Professional Approach to Christian Education is for Catholic Teachers and PAVE (Professional Approach to Value Education) for Non-Catholic Teachers. We evangelize and educate/train through a project of holistic development. Because, there is a profound and unbreakable relation between educational activity and evangelizing activity (Salesian Youth Ministry: Frame of Reference, No.3.2).

Guiding principle is pastoral charity.

Deepagam caters to the spiritual needs of the Youth, School Children, Anbium Leaders Altar Boys, Catechists and Teachers (Catholic and Non-Christians). Implementation of Don Bosco’s pastoral, spiritual and pedagogical program reaches its pivotal state in and through the retreats. Our guiding principle is pastoral charity and the Salesian spirit of Preventive System in which the entire community partakes. Jesus is our center of spiritual animation, inspired by the shepherding mandate to care for the sheep entrusted. We help our faithful to encounter Jesus Christ in their day-to-day life and lead a transformed life that integrates love in deeds.

Provincial Message

Director Speaks



Youth Forum

Family Forum