• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com



Rev. Fr. Rolandi's Extraordinary Visitation at Deepagam

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Rev. Fr. Giovanni Rolandi SDB has met Fr. Director with the Deepagam team today at 5:00 PM (May 08, 2024). Fr. Jesudoss extensively narrated the Deepagam’s Catechetical ministries, visions and challenges to Rev. Fr. Rolandi during the meeting. This is... Read More

Altar Servers Camp, Ennore

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Deepagam has organized Altar Boys and Altar Girls Camp at Don Bosco Youth Animation Center, Ennore on May 07, 2024 for Chennai and Pondicherry regions (Chennai Salesian Province). Forty-Eight children from Salesian Houses, namely Pavunjur – 10, Basin Bridge –... Read More

Picnic to Pazhaverkadu Marian Shrine

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Deepagam catechetical team, Kalai Kuzhu volunteers and four youth commission staff (from Peravalur) ventured together after six years of hiatus for an outing and pilgrimage on May 04, 2024 Saturday to Pazhaverkadu Marian Shrine. This is the first community overture... Read More

Deepagam Annual Planning

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Deepagam Annual Plan for the Financial Year 2024-2025 has been deliberated on April 20, 2024, Saturday. Fr. Jesudoss, Director has approved the tentative plan for preparing the budget to be submitted to the Provincial council in this review session. Annually... Read More

Free VBS Teachers Training

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Deepagam Don Bosco Catechetical Center at The Citadel, Kilpauk, Chennai has organized one-day free training program for VBS Teachers on April 06, 2024. Fr. Patrick Mathias SDB from Kavarapettai (Becchi-Don Bosco) gave practical directives on conducting VBS in his session:... Read More

Yindrum Kalvaari at Mathur, Chennai

Friday, March 22, 2024

Our Lady of Health Church at Mathur was the venue for the last performance of this year’s Lenten play: “Yindrum Kalvaari”. On March 22, 2024 Friday Deepagam Kalai Kuzhu staged the Stations of the Cross after the Holy Mass at... Read More

CATECHETICAL FEST: Let’s Celebrate the Cross - Broadway

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Salesian Communities from Chennai city has come together for the Lenten Observance at St Mary’s Co-Cathedral, Broadway on Sunday, March 17, 2024. The theme of this grand get-together is “Let’s Celebrate the Cross” (சிலுவையை கொண்டாடுவோம்). Deepagam, the Salesian Catechetical Center... Read More

Yindrum Kalvaari at Broadway

Friday, March 15, 2024

Sound and Light Program titled “Yindrum Kalvaari” was performed at St. Francis Xavier Church, Broadway. 25 volunteer artists staged the Stations of the Cross on Friday March 15, 2024. Parishioners belonging to Broadway parish took part prayerfully in the Way... Read More

Yindrum Kalvaari at Sacred Heart Church, Puducherry

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Deepagam Kalai Kuzhu performed Lenten Passion Play, termed as “Sound and Light Program” in the form of Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart Church, Puducherry on Sunday March 10, 2024. The program began at 7’O Clock evening and concluded... Read More

Yindrum Kalvaari at Tagore Nagar, Puducherry

Saturday, March 9, 2024

On Saturday March 9, 2024, Deepagam Kalai Kuzhu performed Yindrum Kalvaari – a Lenten Passion Play (Sound and Light Program) in the form of Stations of the Cross at Holy Spirit Church, Tagore Nagar, Puducherry. The program started in the... Read More

Yindrum Kalvaari at Perambur

Friday, March 8, 2024

On March 08, 2024 Friday, Deepagam Kalai Kuzhu staged the Lenten Stations of the Cross titled “Yindrum Kalvaari” at Lourdes Shrine, Perambur. This Sound and Light program was performed by 25 volunteers from 7:00 PM that concluded at 8:15 PM;... Read More

Let’s Talk Faith - Youth and Social Responsibility

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Deepagam, Don Bosco Catechetical Center organized the sixth session of the Let’s Talk Faith (நம்பிக்கையை பேசுவோம்) Forum on Thursday, March 07, 2024 at Kilpauk, Chennai. The topic for the day was “Youth and Social Responsibility” (from the standpoint of youth).... Read More

Let’s Talk Faith - Sacrament of Holy Orders

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Fifth session of Let’s Talk Faith (நம்பிக்கையை பேசுவோம்) Forum was held on Wednesday, March 06, 2024 at Deepagam, Don Bosco Catechetical Center, Kilpauk, Chennai. The topic for the day was Sacrament of Holy Orders. Only one-sitting (session) was observed for... Read More

Let’s Talk Faith - Faith and Social Media

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

“Let’s Talk Faith” Forum (fourth session) on ‘Faith and Social Media’ was convoked at Deepagam, Don Bosco Catechetical Center, Kilpauk-Chennai on Tuesday, March 05, 2024. During the first sitting, fourteen boys (from Basin Bridge and SIGA) joined in the session... Read More

Let’s Talk Faith - Sacraments of Initiations

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Let’s Talk Faith was held for 26 Children and 11 Parents who were invited from the Basin Bridge parish. Fr. Arulanandam (from Pope John’s Garden, Madhavaram) was the moderator for the Open Talk forum. Lutheran Pastor Ravindran performed his puppetry... Read More