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  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


Laity Training on Lay Apostolate

Monday, November 6, 2023    


Second Phase of training program for Lay Apostolate was also held in Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre at Ennore on November 06 to November 08, 2023. Fr. Augustine, Fr. Lourdu Samy, Fr. Stanislaus, and Fr. Jesudoss animated the training sessions. Topics for the training sessions were Meaningfulness of Liturgy and Eucharist, Sacraments, Church Teachings, Salesian Spirituality, and Lay Apostolate. Lutheran Pastor Ravindran gave a session on Works of the Holy Spirit, Speaking in Tongue and Gifts of the Spirit. During the training program, Jesus of Nazareth movie was also screened. Fifteen participants who took part in this training session spend the three days in Meditation, Eucharistic Celebrations and personal prayers.