• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


Silver Jubilee Symposium

Thursday, February 22, 2024    


Salesian Province of Trichy (INT) in view of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of its erection (1999-2024) organized a Symposium on 23rd and 24th February 2024, for all Salesians, youth and Salesian family members. Fr. Jesudoss gave a talk on the theme, "Faith Formation in Parishes and the need for Creative Salesian Approach" emphasizing the Pastoral need in our Salesian Mission. This symposium brought-in new insights and stimuli in carrying out creatively the mission of Don Bosco in South Tamil Nadu and young Salesians to become effective agents of transformation for the youth in our society. The Symposium was hosted at Alaihal Media Centre, Manikandam, Trichy.