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  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com


Yillam Thedi Yiraiyarasu (இல்லம்தேடி இறையரசு)

Friday, June 28, 2024    


On Friday, June 28, 2024 preparatory meeting for the Deepagam’s new ministry Yillam Thedi Yiraiyarasu was held at Deepagam Catechetical Center. Fr. Jesudoss (Director), Mrs. Ameli, Mr. Santo (Catechist), and Mr. Mano took part in the meeting. Mrs. Ameli chose Pavunjur Parish for the first stage of the ministry to meet the parishioners in their homes. It was decided in order to counsel the parishioners, first let them to introduce themselves and then offer a small prayer. After getting to know their life conditions, it was decided to distribute poster, prayer sticker and allow them to fill-in the data form and make them pray daily as family. The Deepagam’s family contact meeting also encourages the familie to send their news to Deepagam’s Whatsapp number. Fr. Director stated that we must sow faith, grow faith and celebrate faith. The preparatory meeting concluded with instruction to draft/design Data Form first; also, Santo was requested to prepare a short family prayer.