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Advent-2023 Recollections: Journal

January 19, 2024   Recollections   James VM, Deepagam
Salesian Parishes Salesian Ministry Mission Christmas Celebration Advent Recollections Christmas Preparation Mission Parishes



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On December 18, 2023, the first day, we set out with mobile LED vehicle from Chennai; by reaching the vicinity of Polur Parish, we went straight to Pudhupalayam a substation of the parish. After fifteen minutes’ drive, we reached the pristine village; the Children who were waiting there welcomed us with greetings and smiles. Being the first time, it took a while to get the LED Unit operational and we were well into late evening. After initial power and LED screen hitches, we were able to screen the ten minutes visuals on Ten Commandments to prepare our villagers for Sacrament of Reconciliation. At the outset, Fr. Jesudoss Periyanayagam, our director gave a homily on preparation for Christmas. The gathering was largely from the neighboring village (name) who came by their own vehicle. Polur Parish Priest, Fr. Francis Sebastian P., accompanied us to show the way to the Pudhupalayam substation. The gathering was strikingly very poor and largely comprised of aged women. Substation chapel itself had not been visited for a long time, but surrounded by paddy fields on all sides with a village of forty-five families.


Jesus of Nazareth movie (Part-1 episode: Nativity of the Lord) was screened for the children and women, while Fr. Director was hearing confession in the Church. After Sacrament of Reconciliation, we had Eucharistic Celebration inside the dilapidated Church. The forty strong gathering was predominantly women and children who didn’t mind the lateness and put up with LED visual snags, patiently. We were aware that the program is also observed by people who weren’t present in the village. The holy mass was meaningful to the rural celebrants and down-to-earth without usual pomp and show. Joyful spirit of children permeated the community who wished us goodbye when we departed the village. We shared humble sweets and bun with the poor congregation. After the program, we reached Polur parish after 9:30 PM to have supper and retire to bed.

December 19, 2023, the Second Day of Advent Animation for Villages begun on right time after the experience of first day. The substation - Murugapady, was nearest to Polur parish (three Km). This time the neighboring village that accompanied us were from Alamppoondi. We went to Murugapady village, which had numerous Christian families in the locality. On reaching the village early (4:45 PM) we setup LED Vehicle and broadcasted devotional and Christmas hymns in the Church, which was well maintained. The Deepagam members along with several parishioners, visited all the houses and Fr. Jesudoss personally invited each families for the Advent Animation. The village was replete with poorest and lower middle-class families. As we were visiting the village houses, we also noted village’s old chapel ruined and derelict. Murugapady parishioners were welcoming us into their homes.


Shortly after sunset, the villagers, mostly girl-children and women gathered outside the Church for the Advent Retreat. There was a mood of expectation and cheerfulness that permeated the gathering. Three short-films were screened highlighting family values, forgiveness and peace, and awareness on alcoholism. Fr. Jesudoss and Mr. Santo (catechist) shared reflections in reference to Christmas theme of welcoming Christ Child and preparing for His coming. The short-films captivated the young and the old who responded with active listening. For every question engaging the parishioners, there came prompt answers from the participating community who were actively involved with the screencasts.


Fr. Director brought Christmas mood through his homily inviting the parish men to come to the church and take part in the animation program. This he did so for several times, which was not heeded by parish men. Also, youth were absent for the animation program, a peculiar situation for the Salesian who are otherwise engaging in youth apostolate.


Once the Christmas mood was ushered in, Jesus of Nazareth (Part-I) was screened that highlighted the Birth of Messiah. The screening of this video too was well received by the gathering: women and children. Sacrament of Reconciliation was administered while the visual song on Ten Commandment (Appa, Appa, Vaanukku Yethir Aagavum) was being screened. Christmas carol song with visuals was played at mobile LED screen that transformed the viewers’ mind. Children and elderly women danced, while the Tamil music score: Shepherd, Shepherd, what have You Heard was played.


We witnessed the sense of joy among the people who congregated for the Eucharistic Celebration in the Church. Fr. Francis Sebastian, our parish priest, con-celebrated the Holy Mass, whose presence gave participative sense of the Parish. In his sermon, Fr. Jesudoss broke the Word of God for the children and youth with biblical hero – Samson and scriptural allusion to the birth of John the Baptist. We are to prepare ourselves not with external things of grandeur, but inwardly to receive Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds. Earlier, Ms. Dhana Mary (village catechist) took us all to the houses in the substation and coordinated the Eucharistic Gathering. Substation had a vibrant Choir group who brought about prayerful mood through hymns for the mass.


After felicitation and thanksgiving followed by candy and snacks for the people who came from Alanpoondi, the village people went back to their homes. Every one of us had a wholesome mission experience that was unique to the Salesian Community.


We begun the third day of Advent Animation (December 20, 2023) in Sacred Heart Church, Polur by visiting the houses around the Parish Church vicinity. Parishioners, both Christians and Non-Christians were welcoming us into their homes. Due to lack of time, we could not spend time with parishioners in their home. Fr. Director who was accompanied by Deepagam staff members, invited the people to participate in the evening Animation for Christmas. We setup the Mobile Video unit in the parish church at ease and played devotional hymns to prepare for the program. Around fifty people (men, women and Parish Children) from the parish came for the animation program who weren’t poor like Polur substation villagers.


Hymns with Biblical themes were screened as per the direction by Fr. Jesusdoss who animated the gathering with his homily. Interactive homilies were centered on spiritual preparation for Christmas and set the right tone for the onset of Christmas Eve in the mind of the Parishioners. A medley of visual songs followed by short homilies instilled in the people the mood of advent expectation for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in a humble way. The nativity episode from the movie, Jesus of Nazareth was screened to give concrete experience of Jesus’ incarnation in the human context of culture and life. The evening was truly a missionary initiative spreading the Word of God. We were aware that the program was witnessed by others from the local distance.


As preparation for the Holy Mass, people who were gathered for the Novena prepared themselves through Sacrament of Penance. Visual Hymn from DBICA – Ten Commandments in Tamil was played at the background. All people entered the Parish Church prayerfully for the Confession and Eucharistic celebration.


At the conclusion of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy mass begun with Liturgical Hymn of Christmas Novena (Deva Rajan Varuvaar, Vaarum Aaradhipomey!). The Holy Eucharist was con-celebrated by Salesian Community along with Parish Priest. The main celebrant was Fr. Jesusdoss who gave sermon in which he had the faithful involve actively. Surprisingly, both young and old (women) were adept at responding to the questions on scriptural and spiritual nature who were well prepared through faith formation. Entire group of boys from Don Bosco Boys Home, Polur joined for the Eucharistic gathering. Parish choir animated the liturgy that brought-in the prayerful upliftment of hearts of the people gathered for the holy mass. After the short felicitation the congregation dispersed for home with sharing of snacks.



We set out for Veeralur (on December 21, 2023) from Polur well in advance and reached the mission parish that was started by Fr. Villanova SDB in 1969. The village is situated at the foothill of Parvadha Malai surrounded by lush green and pristine rural environ. People were simple and serene in living. Also, there was less or no traffic hassles. We saw the old presbytery (of Fr. Villanova’s time) well maintained to this day. We were welcomed by Fr. Amirtha Raj (Asst. Parish Priest) in the new parochial house.


We went with LED vehicle to St. Anthony’s Shrine at the foothill (Parvadha Malai) and setup the Visual Unit. The location was truly an ambience of retreat. Indeed, Veeralur parish priest correctly classified the Advent Animation as “One-Day Retreat”. Four substation parishioners came in separate travel conveyances all arranged by Fr. Alexander Thomas, SDB (Parish Priest). Also, he ensured the Retreat is for two days and the parishioner will attend the Advent Retreat tomorrow too. The theme for the Christmas Retreat is Yenil Pirakka Vaa (Be Born in Me).


The program was slightly differenced at Veeralur Parish in that there is no Confession for the day. The day began after sunset by invoking Holy Spirit with a visual hymn titled Yiyakkam Alikkum Aaviey! In continuation of the prayer song, Fr. Director gave a long discourse. He began his catechetical homily with God’s wonderful gift of life eternal for each and every person on earth. He highlighted the name and nature of God in the Old Testament as revealed by the prophets. The last prophet being John the Baptist who was sent to prepare the Way for the Lord Jesus. The same spirit of inward preparation for the coming of our Lord must supersede our external preparations and decors. For God came in simplest manner by being born in a manger and the first messenger of his birth was the shepherds who witnessed and testified Christ coming into the world. He exhorted the gathering to prepare themselves for the coming of Christ with sacrament of penance. The long homily completed with Christmas carol song sung by all (Bethalaiyil Piranthavarai Pottri Thudhi Manamey!).


The people congregated around the altar with Veeralur and Adamangalam Salesian fathers con-celebrating the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Jesudoss as main celebrant. The motley group of gathering come from four different villages. Parishioners were poor farmers. There wasn’t active involvement of youth in the parish; women and children actively participated in the Retreat. The congregation of parishioners went back to their home with heart and mind instilled with Christmas message. Just like in Polur, the humble spirit of servantship permeates among the Salesian Confreres.

December 22, 2023 was our last day of Advent Animation for mission parishes in Chennai Province. We were invited to take part in the Adamangalam community’s Christmas celebration. Don Bosco Matriculation School hosted the Christmas program in which the school children were vivacious with cultural shows and Christmas skits. The program well reflected the educational and youth ministry of the Salesian Community; and the little-ones brought-in liveliness and joyfulness to the School staff and the Children’s Village. We set out to St Antony’s Shrine (at Parvadha Malai); Parishioners of all substations of the Veeralur Parish congregated in the evening with special transport arrangements by the Parish Priest, Fr. Alexander Thomas. The second day of retreat begun with visual hymn of praise to the Holy Spirit and homily by Fr. Jesudoss as a preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We used LED unit to animate the parish congregation with Visual Hymns and screened nativity episode from the movie, Jesus of Nazareth. All Salesian Fathers attached to Veeralur Parish joined together for the animation, administered the sacrament of reconciliation and also con-celebrated in the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Alexander, the Parish Priest thanked everyone who helped in the Advent Retreat at Veeralur and invited the parishioners for the Agape. After the fellowship meal, we bid farewell to the parishioners and Salesian Community, and returned back to Chennai on the same night.


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