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Training the Teachers: PACE-PAVE Fifth Session

January 24, 2024   Training   James VM, Deepagam
Catechists Training



PACE-PAVE teachers’ training session was held on January 23, 2024 at Deepagam for twenty teachers. During the one-day input session, Fr. Ravi Aruldass (Niraivagam Director) instructed the participants on the theme: psychological dimension of catechesis (for Religion Teachers) and moral formation (for Value Education teachers). This is the fifth session of Certification Program (six monthly sessions) for Religion Teachers and Value Education teachers working in Chennai Salesian Schools. Mr. Santo (Deepagam catechist), Lutheran Pastor Ravindhran (professional puppeteer) and Mr. Victor (retired BSNL staff) animated this one-day contact session. The highlight of the day was demonstrating creative ways of imparting Catechism to young people through Teaching Aids such as, Puppetry shows. Both PACE and PAVE teacher participants presented Gospel parables using puppetry shows on the spot.

(PACE is Professional Approach to Christian Education, while PAVE is Professional Approach to Value Education)


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