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Lenten Catechetical Fête: “Let’s Celebrate the Cross”

March 18, 2024   Faith Celebration   James VM, Deepagam
Faith Celebration Salesian Parishes Salesian Ministry Eucharistic Celebration Salesian Province



Salesian Communities from Chennai city has come together for the Lenten Observance at St Mary’s Co-Cathedral, Broadway on Sunday, March 17, 2024. The theme of this grand get-together is “Let’s Celebrate the Cross” (சிலுவையை கொண்டாடுவோம்). Deepagam, the Salesian Catechetical Center of Chennai Province organized the one-day Catechetical festival centered on the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ; over 250 people has taken part for the happy memory.


The day began with Prayer Service led by Fr Jesudoss with lit paschal candle and biblical procession of the Cross, which was accompanied by singing of a bhajan. The inaugural session commenced with liturgy of the cross in that all participants were given a cross to carry in procession; short passion narrative from the Gospel of John (the gospel moment of “Jesus accepting his cross” - John 19:16-17) and prayer for the Celebration of Cross were read. Fr. Thamathiruthuvam (Rector, St Mary’s Co-Cathedral) made clear that cross signifies ultimately the suffering and death of Jesus and also points to our life struggles; while following Jesus, we must be ready to accept cross in our life.


Inaugural session concluded with inviting the festival participants; and, Salesians present in the school hall, along with Fr. Antony Pancras (Editor, The New Leader Magazine) were felicitated. Thanks to St Mary’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School staff, the hall was arranged in a festive mood with elaborate floral preparations, while being fastidious to the Lenten observance; LED backdrops reflected the same.


Fr. Maria Arul Raja SJ, Director of the Institute of Dialogue with Cultures and Religions (IDCR) at Loyola College, Chennai, who has been catechizing the adults for the previous Catechetical Festivals, engaged in today’s catechetical sessions at St Mary’s with adult catechesis that was centered on the paschal mystery of Christ Jesus. He began his first session with a visual Tamil hymn: nenjathile thooimai vundo. He startled the participants by terming ‘Technology of the Cross’ (originated from Persia) as maximum torture/punishment with minimal cost and efforts, he opined. Therefore, sufferings of Jesus shouldn’t be relegated to aesthetic purviews.


Very Rev. Fr. L. Don Bosco, Provincial, despite his hectic commitments, paid visit to the faith Festival shortly before the conclusion of first catechetical session. He shared his words of encouragement and thanksgiving to the organizers, especially Fr. Director, Deepagam and Salesian community at St. Mary’s. His message was, ‘we must celebrate our life with the cross (of Christ)’.


In the second session, Fr. Raja, SJ initiated discussion forum to respond to his keynote: ‘Jesus’ death was an assassination’. Participants volunteered to speak on behalf of Judas, Pontius Pilate, and Chief Priests. In reaction to Chief priest Caiaphas’ assertion, “You do not understand that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than to have the whole nation destroyed.” (John 11:50), Fr. Raja remarked thus, “No murder can be justified, whatsoever”.


The specter of sin is “historical error”, Fr. Raja said; which needed divine intervention. To rectify the error, God’s intervention was Jesus Christ, whose life-purpose on earth was redemption. Fr. Raja surmised resolutely that Paschal Mystery is divine intervention; we read the Paschal Mystery elaborately during the Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday); because, our kerygma originates from the passion narrative of Christ. Adding to the nature of divine intervention, Fr. Raja explains, “Every levied sin must be removed”. Paschal Mystery is that Jesus took everyone’s sins on Himself, as God the Father’s will. “This is”, Fr. Raja termed, “appropriate intervention”. Ending his discourse on Celebrating the Cross, the preacher offered a technique to face sufferings (to bear one’s own cross), by screen casting Kannadasan’s song: Mayakamaa Kalakkamaa to form right attitude to accept sufferings in life.


Following the conclusion of adult catechesis, participants shared in the fellowship meal provided by St Mary’s Anglo-Indian School. Cultural programs on Lenten themes were performed creating an-hour of prayerful festivity that included singings hymns, staging gospel skits, dance and reciting poems by the grownup faithful.


Keeping-up with the liturgical tradition of the past catechetical festivals, Adoration of Blessed Sacrament created the moment of faith, setting the right-tone for the Holy Mass; meanwhile, Salesian fathers administered Sacrament of Penance. The solemn Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Rector (St Mary’s Co-Cathedral) and Fr. Director (Deepagam) gave resounding sermon on the passion of Christ in the gethsemane; the moment Jesus surrendered to the will of God the Father, he accepted the cross for the sake of humanity.

Today was a memorable day for the Christian faithful who participated in this Faith event; They are prepared for the on-coming Holy Week with Lenten blessings and messages to be bold and share in the sufferings of others by helping to carry their crosses. The catechetical event was very much catholic in that there weren’t any charismatic overtures. Participants hailed from (six) parishes of Salesian Presence in Chennai region and places of various Salesian ministries and institutions; namely, schools, college, Anbu Illams, technical institutes, farm and so on. This Lenten faith festival was solely for adult parishioners. Thanks to St. Bede’s, and Basin Bridge and Broadway parishes who facilitated participants to take part in the faith festival.


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