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Altar Servers Camps: Ennore & Tirupattur

May 16, 2024   Catechesis   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Children Catechesis Baptism Holy Communion Altar Servers



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Deepagam together with Sacred Heart College (hosting community) have organized two-day camp for Altar Servers between May 14 and May 15, 2024 at Tirupattur. Altar children (both boys and girls), numbering 104, have taken part in the residential camp. Five Salesian Parishes in Tirupattur and Vellore Regions namely, Polur, Maranodai, Jolarpet, Tirupattur, and Veeralur has sent their altar children (boys and girls) to Tirupattur.


The camp for Altar Servers begun with Fr. Jesudoss, SDB who guided the Meditation, Morning Prayer and Lectio Divina in the morning hours. Children learned breathing exercises during the meditation. After the breakfast, Fr. Devapragasam Joseph (Don Bosco – Tirupattur) animated children with his instructional session on liturgical catechesis. In which, he explained in simple way, about the importance and celebration of Eucharist. He taught Eucharistic theology that is understandable to the children. He said, Eucharist is “not another sacrifice” and it is “not repeated again and again”; But, Eucharist is the memorial of sacrifice on the Calvary and we must acknowledge our sinful condition in the presence of God. He instilled in the mind of the Children that “Eucharist is the Source and Summit of Christian Life”.


Fr. Clement Ignatius, (parish priest of Mary Help of Christians, Tirupattur) continued the Liturgical Catechesis saying, “Jesus offers himself at the altar.” And, human responds to God’s revelation through liturgy. Eucharist, which is the celebration of the paschal mystery, is the center of divine revelation. Fr. Clement said, “We are relating with God in the Eucharist as Sacrament in the way first Christians’ faith was expressed through the liturgy.” He added, “Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ himself. It is the instrument for receiving God’s grace.” Baptism cleanse us from sins, makes us children of God, transforms our bodies into temple of the Holy Spirit and we are made as member of the Catholic Church. Baptism is the key to all other Sacraments. Fr. Clement went on to explain about the significance of sacramentals in baptism; namely, lit candle, water, white cloth, and chrisma oil. Sacramentals in Confession are prayers and words; in Eucharist, bread and wine along with vestments, altar cloths, lit candles, incense, and so on. Liturgical Seasons are Advent, Christmastide, Ordinary Season, Lent and Eastertide. Concluding the Liturgical Catechesis on the sacramental aspects of Liturgy, Fr. Clement emphatically sowed the message in the heart of the children: “Altar Servers aren’t workers, but serving God in place of guardian angels”. “Altar is the sign of the presence of Jesus Christ among us.”


Remarkably, most of children took active part by questioning and answering promptly during the catechesis. There were children who haven’t received the Holy Communion; yet, they too were most enthusiastic during the Catechesis.


Fr. Francis Xavier, Jolarpet Parish Priest, in the afternoon, took up the liturgical catechesis on Christian Symbolism and Art in the Liturgy. He began with “cosmic symbolism” of Fire, Water, Energy, Air, and Land. He explained Christian Symbolism for the Most Holy Trinity, IHS, INRI, ICHTHUS, Dove, Sacred Heart, Ave Maria, Wine, Wheat Shaft, and so on. These symbolism are frequently used in the liturgical celebration and are familiar to the altar children. Fr. Francis said, “It is possible to have God awareness through symbolism, art and sculpture.” All campers fervently engrossed in the drawing session, even those who weren’t artist. Many children were seen drawing Sacred Heart, Cross and Dove using water colors provided by Fr. Francis.


In the evening hours, Fr. John Christy (Director, Youth Ministry), screen casted few documentary videos on topics centered on Don Bosco, Salesian Congregation, and Salesian Ministry. The day concluded with Eucharistic celebration, during which Fr. Christy taught children to remember the books of the Bible by remembering the biblical books in groups of number. After the mass, children from neighboring Jolarpet returned back to their home to come back next day.


A movie, The Young Messiah (2016), dubbed in Tamil, was screened after the supper. Children didn’t have the capacity to understand the movie and so, it was stopped after an hour or so, on request by the children themselves.


The next day commenced with guided meditation and Morning Prayer. Post-breakfast session was introducing aptitude tests for the children with mind puzzles by Fr. John Christy solving three logical problems, which gave disposition of awesomeness for the children. Fr. Christy said, “The habits of the altar servers are keen attentiveness and correcting one’s mistake, loyalty to Church as community and the fear of God.”


Santo, the Deepagam Catechist animated the children frequently with action songs and interactive sessions during the two-days of camping, which the children liked very much. Britto from Jolarpet Parish took a session on Saints and Sainthood; Br. James VM gave a short message on Vocation and Culture (Primacy for God, Truthfulness, Respect in family, and Responsibility for others). Br. William (Salesian scholastic) made children alive with a lively group dance. After which, children submitted their written feedback to Deepagam. The camp was concluded with Holy Eucharist whose main celebrant was Fr. Kirubakaran Rathinasamy. The entire congregation participated in the fellowship meal sponsored by Sacred Heart College Community.


Despite many inconveniences, altar children came from faraway places. They suggested to have one-week long duration for the camp and take them on a tour. They were happy to live as community by meeting new friends. Also, altar children very much appreciated the hospitality shown towards them.


It was worthy to note that Salesians took painstaking effort to attend the camp and accompany the children, despite the difficulties. With God’s grace, the camp will have lasting impact on the children’s life; because, the animating sessions has strongly inscribed in the hearts and mind of our children. They were introduced to Liturgical and Sacramental aspects of Holy Eucharist, Catholic Symbolism and Art in Liturgy, Don Bosco and his Salesian Community worldwide.


The hospitable ambience provided by the community at SHC, Tirupattur positively affected the program. A special note of thanks to Rev. Fr. Praveen Peter, Rector of SHC Community and Fr. Sathiyanathan (Administrator) for the collaboration, financial support and personal interest shown towards the camping children and Deepagam team.


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