• 044-26428162
  • dbdeepagam@gmail.com



Search Result Found For: "News"

Sunday Catechism Teachers Training

June 10, 2024   Training   James VM
News Mission Catechists Training Catechists Formation Training Program

Sunday Catechism Teachers Training

Biblical Short-film Competition

June 9, 2024   Youth Catechesis   James VM
News Salesian Ministry Biblical Catechesis Youth Catechesis Evangelization

Deepagam organized impromptu “Biblical Short-film Festival” at Kilpauk, Chennai.

Evangelization by Folk Arts: Training Camp

May 23, 2024   Folk Arts Evangelization   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Mission Children Catechesis Youth Catechesis Training Program Folk Arts Evangelization கலைவழி இறைமொழி

Deepagam and Youth Ministry jointly organized first folk arts training camp for INM Province’s Youth.

Altar Servers Camps: Ennore & Tirupattur

May 16, 2024   Catechesis   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Children Catechesis Baptism Holy Communion Altar Servers

Deepagam together with Sacred Heart College (hosting community) have organized two-day camp for Altar Servers.

SuperVBS - 2024 at Deepagam

May 11, 2024   Catechesis   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Children Catechesis Biblical Catechesis Youth Catechesis VBS

SuperVBS - 2024 at Deepagam

Picnic to Pazhaverkadu

May 5, 2024   Community Building   James VM, Deepagam
News Picnics Outing

Picnic to Pazhaverkadu

Deepagam Annual Planning

April 20, 2024   Training   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Mission

Deepagam Annual Plan for the Financial Year 2024-2025 has been deliberated on April 20, 2024.

Let’s Talk Faith: Faith and Social Media

March 6, 2024   Faith Talk Forum   James VM, Deepagam
News Salesian Ministry Youth Catechesis

Let's Celebrate Life! Catholic Salesian Youth Faith Vitality.

December 4, 2023   Faith Celebration   Fr. Daniel Ambrose, SDB
News Faith Celebration Salesian Parishes Salesian Ministry Mission Eucharistic Celebration

Celebrate Life! Celebrate Faith! Celebrate and nurture the great Catholic Salesian Youth Faith Vitality!