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Sunday Catechism Teachers Training

June 10, 2024   Training   James VM
News Mission Catechists Training Catechists Formation Training Program



SUNDAY CATECHISM TEACHER TRAINING was held at Deepagam on June 09, 2024. Fourteen participants attended this informal training program with due registration. Participants were from four nearby parishes namely Kilpauk, Perambur, Nungambakkam, and Ayanavaram (of Madras-Mylapore Archdiocese).


Fr. Jesudoss (Director-Deepagam) using his PowerPoint on the topic, “Jesus is the model for Catechism Teachers” took first session of the day. The digest of his catechetical instruction: Jesus is model for catechism teachers, because he taught with love and compassion; he used stories and parables with deep spiritual meanings that made complex ideas accessible and relatable. Jesus practiced patience and understanding towards his disciples; he took time to explain and re-explain his message with them. Jesus lived the values he taught; his life gave testimony to his teachings. Jesus encouraged questions and curiosity in his teachings that provided hope and encouragement. He was the beacon of hope even in darkest times; for he fostered personal relationship with God the Father.


Fr. Augustine Justin Arulraj SDB (Kavarapettai-Becchi) in his afternoon input session on the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist said: “The duty of the teacher is to draw water from the well.” The presence of Christ during the holy mass are: Priest, Altar, Eucharist, Lectern, and the Congregation (of the faithful). During his Catechetical instruction, Fr. Augustine reminded the catechism teachers: “Building up the Faith is the responsibility of Catechism Teachers”. Moreover, “A catholic priest’s fundamental mission is catechizing the faithful, at all times”, he added.


He pointed out the dangers of cultism and clericalism from the various aspects of liturgical celebration; for example, he brought to awareness the sprinkling of holy water during the mass as a sacramental sign of cleansing and not blessing. In supporting the view-point on clericalism, he also quoted a remark by someone to a priest: “I see God in you and therefore, I show reverence.” He concluded thus, “Christ is our light and to grow, we must let Christ shine in our life. Otherwise, we are rootless in our celebration and faith”.


Santo (Deepagam catechist) and Victor (a volunteer) animated the morning session with actions songs and a Group Photo Story on the parable of the Prodigal Son. The participants though young in age had sound teaching experiences, which was manifested in their engagement during the catechetical training sessions through mature interactions.


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